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About Me

My name is Polly Maria Bond

I am a very human, human and I come to you perfectly imperfect. I've had my battles with self-medication and wrestled the demons that came with being systematically, sexually abused from a very young age. Yet somehow I made it through. I do not position myself as a survivor but rather as a "Thrivor." I've spent almost 2 decades traveling the world and studying healing modalities, both spiritual and scientific in every place I could possibly find. 
I stand here today as a safe space, a fierce ally, and a caring soul that has the gift of sight and knowledge that I simply want to share. I am a fierce feminist and fierce ally and I believe socially we have a lot of work to do to heal, and that this begins with our cycle-breaking parents world wide. I do not believe the world is broken yet I do believe in the need for collective healing.  
I'm not a clinician by choice, though I went through a stage of feeling I would be enough once I'd garnered the next certificate so at this stage you could paper a room in my house with therapeutic accolades but these do not define me. My learning from listening to people worldwide have been the biggest driving point of my learning. 

I have had the honour of working with 1,000's of clients from diverse family, social, financial, and cultural backgrounds across the globe. Universal truths that stood out across these varied experiences is the commonality of parenting challenges and with them the appearance of negative talk or outdated programming. We are all human, striving to do our best with the resources and knowledge we possess. This was the driving force behind creating 'Be Nice To Yourself'.  I wanted to create a safe place to reprogram negative beliefs and write a strong legacy of love that will last generations to come. 

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The Nice Academy

The Nice Academy was born out of a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of self-love and self-care, especially within the realm of parenting. It's a co-operative where industry experts and coaches can share their knowledge worldwide and upload courses and challenges to help our global community of cycle breakers and spirit mamas. We wanted to make more than a message, we wanted to make a movement a place where our learnings are affordable accessible to all, anywhere any time. 



 At its core, our ethos is about nurturing healing and growth, both in parents and their children. And no you don't have to be a parent to benefit  

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This platform serves as a sanctuary for parents and educators seeking effective solutions for challenging behaviour and adopting gentle parenting techniques NOT JUST for children but also the idea of raising yourself is the biggest passion.  Here, you will discover a variety of mini-courses tailored for parents, each meticulously crafted to enhance your skills in managing and maintaining your own emotions as well as your child's. In addition, we are excited to launch a teacher training course, integrating the 'Be Nice To Yourself' framework. This course is designed to empower coaches and educators, equipping them with the tools to guide clients through significant breakthroughs. 

Every course at The Nice Academy is created with love, grounded in practical sceince and a commitment to affordability, ensuring that everyone has access to this groundbreaking work in parenting solutions.

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Create bonds and boundaries you can always rely on.

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